Around the town: events seminars meetings talks - listing of various real estate industry events - Calendar
NYARM Breakfast
Aug. 13--The New York Association of Realty Managers will hold a breakfast seminar titled "Controlling Cost, a Financial and Operational Perspective" from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Brooklyn Marriott located at 333 Adams St. Parking is available. Certification credit for the NYARM designation will be given. The topic is for both property managers and for NYARM's associate members, who are expected to work hand in hand with managers to reduce waste. The cost for members is $25 and non-members $50. For more information contact NYARM executive director Margie Russell at or call 212-216-0654.
Aug. 14 & 26--Cowan Financial Group will hold a conference entitled "Giving Value to Your Client as Property Manager Through Long-Term Care" from 6-8 p.m, both dates. The conferences, sponsored by Neuhaus Chocolatier, are free and will take place at 530 Fifth Ave. Refreshments will be served. RSVP by Aug 12 for 1st seminar and by Aug. 22 for the 2nd seminar. For registration and other information please call the event's host, CFG's Jeanne Brutman at (212) 536-7733.
PWC Networking Event
Aug. 19--Professional Women In Constuction presents "Meet The Architects," a networking event with exhibit tables at La Maganette Ristorante, Third Avenue at 50th Street from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Honored guests include representatives of architectural firms and government agencies. Tickets (includes buffet): $50 members; $65 non-members ($10 surcharge at door if no reservation). Exhibit tables: $350 members; $450 non-members (includes 4 tickets & ad); sponsorship: $650 members; $750 non-member (includes exhibit table, 8 tickets, ad, name on invitation). Call (212) 486-7745; fax: 212. 486-0228Aug. 20--MetroZone will hold a "Seminar-on-Wheels" from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The seminar will focus on Midtown North and Upper Manhattan, with special emphasis on Harlem and East Harlem. The motor coach classroom will leave Times Square at 8 a.m. The cost is $175 per person or $150 per person for groups of 3 or more. For more information call Steven Barshov at (212) 421-2150.
NRC Lunch
Sept. 8--New York Post journalist Lois Weiss will be the featured speaker at a National Realty Club Inc. lunch from noon to 2 p.m. at The Williams Club, 24 East 39th St. The cost is $40 for members, $65 for non-members who pay in advance and $85 at the door. Payments should be sent to NRC, 380 Lexington Ave., Suite 1700, New York, NY 10168. Reservations must be made the Friday prior to the event. For reservations or information call Tamara or Burton Beck at (212) 551-1013